Living in the Pacific Northwest is a fortunate thing. And like many areas in the world, it is truly a beautiful place to live and full of surprises — everywhere you look.

For my photography, I mostly look down. But not on this day.

Page, my partner, and I were on a foggy beach in Port Townsend the morning we saw this phenomenon.

I learned early in my art studies that I frame scenes in a particular way and all have similar lines of force. Perhaps that is my tell. My instructor, Robert Stewart, said, “frame the shot, don’t think - just shoot.” Good teaching.

Today I look at the ground for shapes, patterns and textures that intrigue me.

Many years ago before my photography final, I laid out all my photographs and observed them from above. Low and behold, they all exhibited the same lines of force — the way I SEE. That was unforgettable. I learned something that day and it was because I had listened. Funny how I never forgot his name. Thank you Robert.

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